Marine Money is a proud supporter of the industry’s transition to a greener and more sustainable future.
In the short amount of time that the industry has been pursuing its ambitious decarbonization goals, Marine Money has been there to support, promote and showcase industry leaders, to ensure that the movement continues to grow among the industry. We believe strongly that the industry will benefit financially from a more sustainable way of shipping, and at the same time secure the future for the next generation of ship owners and managers.
From hosting the launch of the Poseidon Principles at Marine Money Week in 2019, to being a valued member of the Blue Sky Maritime Coalition and partner to the G.M.F. (Global Maritime Forum), we are constantly looking for new ways to further the green and sustainable conversation. To codify the different actions we have taken towards helping get the industry to net zero, we have launched a new initiative named Marine Money Green. Marine Money Green will be the brand where we will be hosting all events, content and transaction data around the topic of making the industry a more sustainable and environmentally friendly industry.
Marine Money Green Focus Areas
Green Financing
We will be collecting all transaction data that has a green financing element to it, as well as elaborating on new green financing techniques and strategies we are seeing come to market. To ensure that we have the most up-to-date information, we will be hosting green financing experts who are involved in these transactions to shed further light on this important topic.
Green Investments
Green investments will focus on assets and technologies that will help transition the industry. By this we mean things such as retrofits on the existing fleet, novel technologies, newbuild design and fuel consumption. The focus will be on the financial investment, and more importantly, the return on investment, with a light analysis of how the investments operationally work.
Access to all these elements and more will be through traditional research, publishing, databases, online webinars and conferences. Our objective is to continue to put our money where our opinions are strongest: investing in our ETF, startups, and supporting the best and brightest our industry, so vital to the world, has to offer.